Rumor Control – How to create, build, and manage “Word of Mouth Marketing”
Here is the good news, the bad news, and the good news.
If you implement the ideas in this workshop you can easily increase your revenue 10X. We have clients who have taken just one of the concepts taught in this class and increased their revenue 500%. The bad news; it requires real guts to do it and most people just don’t have it.

The other good news? Since most people won’t have the guts to do it, but if you do, it will dramatically distance yourself from the competition. You’ll leave them in the dust.
The price of making a powerful statement is cheap compared to the cost of marketing programs that don’t work. So make a statement that counts.
We’re not talking about making a grand and sweeping claim, such as, “Lowest prices anywhere. We won’t be undersold.” No one believes hype anymore. We’re talking about a statement that is bona fide, no loopholes, easy to experience. And it only takes one such statement to put a business over the top. This is why you should designate a percentage of your marketing budget to purchase word-of-mouth marketing.
Word-of-mouth is credible because a person puts their reputation on the line every time they make a recommendation. And that person has nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.
But how do you really trigger Word of Mouth?
Learn the power of how non-verbal statements in the categories of Architectural, Kinetic, Humorous, and Generous are the most powerful concepts to trigger Word of Mouth Marketing.
Why is Word of Mouth so Powerful ?
Developing your own powerful statement
Word of Mouth triggers
Why you can’t advertise it
Case Studies and hands on brainstorming of WOM ideas for your business