Zero Budget
One of the vaulbale TRIZ tools is the Ideal Final Result (IFR). Another version of it is to assume you
One Page Proposal
A One Page Proposal is a communication tool that is invaluable to your business. It can get an idea moving
Made to Stick
SUCCESS stands for Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional Story. It is the foundation of the new hit book and it
Breakfast with the Birds
What available resources do you already have that you could use to improve your products and services? Here is an
Product Packaging – Bridgeclimb
One key consideration in your marketing plan is how to “Package and Present” your product or service. The right decision
TRIZ – Part 1
In his study of hundreds of thousands of patents, Genrich Altschuller determined there are only about 1,500 basic problems to
Leonardo da Vinci – Curious
The most creative thinking mind this world has ever known my have had just a handful of secrets. This is
Shrink Wrap
What “Outsiders” do you use in your business to get new ideas and a fresh perspective ? Could packaging engineers