Shrink Wrap
What “Outsiders” do you use in your business to get new ideas and a fresh perspective ? Could packaging engineers
Video to Boost your Business
OK…a bunch of folks have asked me “How do you make these videos and how do you deliver them over
One Right Answer
The best way to get a great idea is to get a lot of ideas first.
Space Shuttle Challenger
Warning – This video is controversial ! Sometimes Creative Thinking requires just plain common sense. How did everyone miss this
Solar Sailor
Watch Combination Creativity in action as the Aussies developed the Solar Sailor; a transportation vessel that uses solar power panels
Killer Presentations – Part 2
When putting together that killer presentation, the 2nd thing on your checklist should be “Mash the Monotone”. Webster defines monotone
TRIZ – Time Out
One of the fundamentals of creative is “Curiosity” and we are born with an ocean of it. The acceleration of
Rolling down the beach on my earth cruiser, I saw some kids throwing a ball that skipped on the surface